Bruce Fenton

Bruce Fenton

Bruce Fenton global leader in Bitcoin, financial technology and open source investing.

Bruce is an experienced investor and Chief Investment Officer with over 30 years in traditional finance as an SEC registered professional. Bruce is an active proponent of free markets, liberty politics and the Austrian School of Economics

Chief Investment Officer:

  • Founder & CEO of Chainstone Labs, an investment and advisory company focused on the intersection of securities, Bitcoin and financial tech.
  • In 1994, founded Atlantic Financial, the first full-service investment firm on the internet.
  • Managing Director and President at Watchdog Capital, an SEC registered FINRA member broker-dealer based in the United States.
  • Began his career with Morgan Stanley and specialized in emerging technologies and emerging markets, has completed several significant transactions totaling over $7 billion and served as a consultant to large investment funds, ultra high net worth individuals and families, and is a licensed registered General Securities Principal with FINRA and member of an SEC registered broker dealer.

Middle East & Saudi Arabia:

Bruce made his first trip to the GCC in 1996 and to UAE in 2002 where he spent time educating others on the misconceptions of the region and increasing US investment.
Bruce and his family have lived and worked on and off in the Kingdom for 18 years.
Bruce served as an advisor to one of the world’s largest charitable organizations for Gulf engagement in 2009-2013. He served as Saudi Arabia’s focused advisor to a top ten global private equity firm with over $150 Billion AUM which owns all or controlling stakes in businesses employing over 2 million people.
He was an advisor to the Governor of the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority.

Bitcoin & Digital Assets:

Bruce Fenton became involved with Bitcoin in 2012 and has been involved full time in the Bitcoin and blockchain industry since 2013.
Fenton is the Host and Founder of the Satoshi Roundtable, now in its 11th year, an exclusive, invitation-only retreat for leading CEOs, Developers, Founders and academics in the Bitcoin ecosystem. The Satoshi Roundtable will be hosting its annual event for the 11th year in 2025, and was recently held in the UAE.
In 2014-15 Fenton served as a Board Member and former Executive Director of the Bitcoin Foundation and Founder of the Bitcoin Association.
Bruce is the organizer of the first Dubai Bitcoin Conference in 2014.
Bruce is an active investor in the blockchain ecosystem including seed stage investments in Ethereum and
Bruce has served on several boards including Overstock, tZero and the Fox Foundation.

Satoshi Roundtable

Free Market Advocate

Bruce has been active in US politics and liberty. In 2022 he was a candidate for United States Senate representing New Hampshire.
Fenton was the Campaign Co-Chairman for New Hampshire for Vivek Ramaswamys 2024 Presidential Campaign.
Bruce is a member of the Free State Project in New Hampshire and an active advocate for human rights.

Bruce is a father of four and married to Carolann Fenton. They live between Saudi Arabia, UAE and New Hampshire. The Fenton’s own the historic Durham Point farm / former Langley Buffalo farm and Bickford Garrison on the Seacoast.
His hobbies are movies, comic books and all things geek.


Bruce Fenton has given presentations at events such as The North American Bitcoin Conference, the Chicago North America Bitcoin Conference, the World Blockchain Forum, the Worcester Economics Club, and the NH Liberty Forum.


Articles and Publications

Bruce Fenton has appeared in articles & publications all around the globe, from CNBC interviews in Saudi Arabia, discussions about bitcoin/blockchain & financial articles in the Wall Street Journal. He has also written articles for Coindesk and other leading blockchain and financial publications.

Miami 2014: The Last Days of Bitcoin’s Wild West

It concluded with a rooftop party, had controversial dancing girls and saw one startup hand out bitcoin wallets with neon vodka shots.

That's probably what most people remember about The North American Bitcoin Conference Miami. Organized by Moe Levin and held in the days when bitcoin's price had gone from a few dollars to more than the price of gold..

To the Moon – Or Bust? Questions to Ask When Evaluating ICOs

Before bitcoin came along, I was a financial advisor for many years. So I really don't like to see people make foolish decisions that cost them a lot of money.

Clearly, digital assets are here to stay. The opportunity is exciting, but we should also be concerned about the rampant proliferation of low-quality offerings and scams.

To make things worse..

Bitcoin’s White Paper Isn’t Just Words – It’s a Constitution

The bitcoin white paper changed how money can work, yes, but less discussed – and even more important – is how it is changing how we share and place value on ideas.

As we look back at the 10 years since bitcoin's white paper was first published, I think it's clear Satoshi's words aren't just words. Like another famous white paper, Alan Turing's "Computing..